
Membership Type (please tick)

I want to join as:

a Boat Owner Member. (The driver of the boat & boat registration is ___________________________________)
a Crew Chief Member. (The driver of the boat & boat registration is ___________________________________)
a Committee Member. (My position on the committee is ________________________________________)
an Associate Member as I am a guardian of a Formula Future Driver

Member Details

Team Association

I am a member or associated with the team that competes in the AFPGP
I am not a member of or associated with any particular team that competes in the AFPGP

Website Consent – Committee Members only (please tick)

If needed, I do consent to my name/photo to be placed on the AFPGP website in the relevant committee/contact areas
I do not consent to my name/photo to be placed on the AFPGP website in the relevant committee/contact areas

Membership fee $60 (Pay securely by Credit Card / Paypal)